UPDATE (Jan. 19): After the floor plan was first introduced to the community, we used the feedback we received to update the plan and present it to the school board.
The two new schools that will rise between Central Kitsap middle and Central Kitsap high schools will be vastly different than the two schools today.
Next spring, site work will begin to replace the two aging schools. CK High was built in 1942 and CK Middle was built in 1959. Students will attend the new schools in 2019.
“There are just so many ways that the building is going to benefit families and students,” said CK High Principal Steve Coons. “It’s so exciting!”
The first phase of design work is nearly complete. Families and community members are invited to see and comment on the new schools at an open house at 7 p.m. Dec. 6 in the CK Middle School cafeteria. The next phase of design will mostly focus on details of classroom spaces and interior areas of the building.
Two Separate Schools
CK Middle School
CK High School
Designs show a three-story middle school and high school connected that share a first-floor kitchen. A shared separate building will house career and technical education classrooms.
The two schools will operate independently. They’ll have separate front entrances, classrooms and commons areas.
The project also adds parking and improves traffic flow around the schools.
Designed for Learning
Architects have worked closely with staff from both schools. They have gathered comments from families and community as they developed the school’s design.
“Everything that we’re doing in terms of design of the schools is meant to help students learn,” said CK Middle Principal Scott McDaniel.
The new schools will have more permanent classrooms than existing schools to get students out of portables. New classrooms at both schools will better support today’s learning technology and flexible teaching arrangements.
At the middle school, the layout creates a feeling of small schools within the school itself. Shared areas outside classrooms will help grade-level teams of teachers and students collaborate on activities.
One of the major changes for both schools will be the career and technical education areas.
“Just having a newer facility will bring some tech advances in CTE fields that we haven’t had before,” said Coons. The new flexible labs will allow students to work with materials such as composites.
Middle school and high school CTE areas are co-located in the same area of the building. This could allow teachers to specialize in a field and teach both middle and high school classes.
“It helps us builds a much stronger CTE program,” McDaniel said.
The new schools will each have their own gym, weight room, and wrestling room. The old CKMS gym will be updated to serve as an auxiliary gym.
As construction progresses, fields around the schools will also get upgrades. New athletic fields are planned throughout the campus, including a new synthetic turf football/soccer field with lights, scoreboard and spectator seating.
Work on athletic fields will likely extend into 2020.
Phased Construction
The new schools will go on the flattest area of the sloping campus to reduce construction costs. Both existing schools will remain open during construction.
The placement requires construction to be done in phases. Crews will need to demolish vacated buildings and build access roads and staging areas to prepare for construction.
Architects, construction experts and district leaders are developing plans for each phase. They will also address challenges, such as disruptions to parking, traffic flow and athletic practices during construction.
Worth the Wait
The project will be one of the largest school projects in the state. In Kitsap County, its size is second only to the building of Silverdale’s new hospital.
When it opens, more than 2,000 students in Central Kitsap will have state-of-the-art schools to last for decades to come.
“It will be worth the wait!” said Coons. “At the end of the tunnel will be an extremely beautiful and vibrant facility for our students.”