Resource Support Services
Resource Support Services are provided to students with identified disabilities who demonstrate an increased need in one or more domains. Students receiving resource support services receive their daily instruction through general education, along with specially designed instruction in learning areas or other areas of identified need.
Intensive Learning Services
Intensive Learning Services are for students with identified disabilities who demonstrate primary learning needs in the functional life skills domain. They may need intensive, specially designed instruction to learn how to independently manage self-care or to acquire basic academic and social-emotional skills. The Intensive Learning Program is also for students with significant disabilities, including those who are medically fragile, who need to develop basic communication and skills for participating in daily support routines.
Other Special Education Services
Either direct or consultative services are provided by District Psychologists, Speech Language Pathologists, Occupational/Physical Therapists, Vision Specialists, Audiologists, and other service providers.
We include special education students in the general education setting to the fullest extent possible as determined by the IEP team. Examples :
- Special Education Teacher consulting with the General Education Teacher.
- Special Education Instructional Assistants supporting students with disabilities within the general education classroom, as supervised by the Special Education Teacher.
- General Education Teacher providing accommodations and methods related to special needs, and also providing progress information on the student's goal in consultation with and is monitored by the Special Education Teacher.
Adaptive PE (APE)
Adaptive Physical Education is alternativephysical education for students with disabilities who may not safely or successfully engage in unrestricted participation on the vigorous activities of the regular physical education program on a full-time basis.
Adaptive Physical Education is an individualized program of physical and motor fitness; fundamental motor skills and patterns; and skills in aquatics, dance and individual and group games and sports designed to meet the unique needs of individuals.
The Kitsap Achievement Program (KAP)
The KAP program was created to support students with behavioral disabilities. There are 2 different levels of KAP program available: Drop-in and Full-Day KAP are available at both elementary and secondary level.
Drop-In KAP is a short-term placement for behavior replacement instruction. This program can add to the proactive instruction, practice, and positive replacement behavior tracking options and interventions plans used by the student’s building staff and can help students be more successful in that building.
Full-Day KAP Program is for students who need intense behavior intervention, whose behaviors significantly impede access to general education instructional setting, and who need a higher staff to student ratio to be successful. This decision can only be made as part of the Change of Placement process based on re-evaluation recommendations from the evaluation team.