Thank you, Central Kitsap community for supporting our schools!
Click the image to watch an overview of what the bond and levy measures would provide.
We are educating for the future by offering the quality, well-rounded education our community expects and deserves. We focus on personal and academic success for each student because we're not just creating learners. We're creating leaders.
The Central Kitsap community approved two measures on the Feb. 9, 2016 ballot will support daily operations and create positive learning environments for students. Use the links on this page to learn more..

The passage of a bond will allow us to to upgrade security at all schools, replace and modernize secondary schools and fund critical repairs.
Find out what projects the bond funds

Levy dollars bridge the gap between state and federal funding and what it costs to run a district. The levy supports many of our daily operations.
Find out what the support levy provides
Continued Tax Rate
The estimated tax rate will remain the same. Homeowners currently pay $5.21 per $1,000 of their home's assessed value.

We Keep Our Promises
The projects funded by the bond measure are the next step in our long-range facilities plan (pdf). We have kept the promises we made when voters approved a 2011 capital projects measure. We replaced a school, Hawk Elementary at Jackson Park. We have made critical repairs and technology upgrades districtwide. Silverdale Elementary is under renovation. Work will begin on a transportation and warehouse facility in 2017.
See progress from our first phase of the long-term plan, which were funded by the 2011 capital project measure.
See progress from the second phase of the long-term plan, which was funded by the 2016 bond.