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Adding News Articles/Announcements 

News Section

Keep your families updated with school news! The school news section has been one of the most visited areas of our district  and school websites (based on data for schools that launched last spring).

News articles can range from a single story about an event or announcement to a home for a monthly school newsletter. It's a great place for putting timely content.

Ready to add one? You can download our news article tip sheet  (pdf) and watch the video below:

news image on left

Coming Soon!

A time-saving feature is coming to news articles. When adding or editing a news article, you'll see a new option below the body section of your news article. You'll see check boxes for

  • Image Left (in the top left corner of the page, about 1/4 width of the page)
  • Image Right (in the top right corner of the page, about 1/4 width of the page)
  • Image top: (Stretches the image across the top of the page. Be sure the photo is a wide one (at least 1400 px) so it doesn't appear grainy on a large screen.)

This changes the position of the Featured Image. You won't see it until you publish your article. For those who have edited a news article before, this saves you from having to add a picture twice (to the featured image and to the body).

Just be sure only one box is selected.

News Article Tips

The best news articles are things that people both want to read and that gives them information they need. How do you accomplish that? First, start by answering these questions:

  • Who is this article for (graduating seniors, all your parents, one grade's parents)? 
    • Use your headline and summary to help readers know if it applies to them.
    • Empathize and speak directly to your audience. If this pertained to you, what would you want to know (or not care about)?

  • Why is this important to your readers, why should they care?   

  • What do you want people to do with the information you're giving them?  (Sign up? Turn in a form?)
    • Make the what easy for readers to find and accomplish.

  • When is the right time for people to think about this? (January may not be the time to put out a reminder about not wearing flip flops to school.)

Posted by angela.dice On 15 September, 2016 at 3:54 PM