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Updating Staff Directories 
Each school manages their website staff directories. New staff members must be added in. Staff members who leave will need to be taken out (often, staff who leave the district entirely will be deleted for you from the system). 

Once you have the process down, updating your directories can be quick and easy. Only people with site administrator access can update your directories. What you see on your web page is not editable. You'll have to go into the back end of the system to do it. Keep going to start, or go straight to the Q&A.

To Start

Have a staff list handy. If you can sort your staff list by first name or by email address, the process will be quicker. Also, download our tip sheet on managing groups and roles. Or, watch our how-to video:


Here are some answers to common questions about the staff directory:


Q: I'm trying to add someone, but don't see them in my list?

A: If they have a district email address, they should be in the system. Call Angela Dice to make sure they get into the website.

Q: Why can't I see people's email addresses in the staff directory?

A: Spam robots crawl websites looking for email addresses. Our system offers a layer of protection for our staff. Users can click the envelope icon by a staff member's name to email them through the website. Staff members will receive emails from [email protected].

Q: How do I add or change new subgroups/subpages for my staff directory?

A: You can group people by grade, have groups for teachers, administration, support, etc. Do whatever will work best for your school. You'll have to create a new group in the back end. Call Angela Dice to help you add that group to a new page to your staff directory.

Q: How do I change information about an individual staff member?

A: Our website pulls a staff member's name, email address and phone number from the same system that Outlook uses (our Active Directory). If name, phone number or email address are correct in Outlook, but not on the website, please call Angela Dice. If they are wrong in both places, please call the DIS help desk.

Each staff member can change/add:

  • titles

  • photos

  • links to their classroom websites

  • biographical information.

You can help them by giving them or pointing them to a tip sheet with a link to a video how-to on the district website under Career & Staff > Staff Resources. School site administrators also have the ability to change this information. In the back-end, open Manage Users. Find the person, click Profile then click the Edit User tab.

Q: For staff members who have multiple titles (teacher and coach, etc.), how do I put titles on separate lines (like in Klahowya's directory)?

A: You'll have to add a touch of html. You'll need to go into the staff member's profile (see above). After each title, add <br>. For example if John Smith's title is Teacher, Coach, you would type Teacher<br>Coach.

Posted by angela.dice On 03 February, 2017 at 3:19 PM